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Institution and financial sustainability of Anandalok school


Financial Sustainability

An endowment fund is set up and in progress for each school. All parents of Anandalok School students who can financially afford, pay money into this fund. NETZ Partnership for Development and Justice succeeded in mobilising foreign funding from the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and donations from private persons, foundations or companies for establishing all the Anandalok Schools. We are also grateful to all supporters from abroad and Bangladesh who are continuously supporting us in our journey of Anandalok schools. The students, not necessary all of them, pay a very nominal fee and there is little scope to significantly increase that amount. The communities that the schools are serving are not yet at such an economic status where they can pay adequate fee to sustain their respective schools. So, the options for these schools and the trust to mobilize adequate finance resource is not simple and may need multiple strategy to mobilize adequate resources. A professional team is also working with a long term business plan for ensuring financial sustainability of these schools. For the continuous success of Anandalok School support from all the sectors is very important! People and institutions from various backgrounds can directly contribute to the improvement of primary education of poor and ultra-poor children.


“Does my donation really reach the poorest in Bangladesh?” People supporting Anandalok School want to make sure that their contribution benefits the poor people effectively and brings about sustainable change. Therefore, Anandalok Trust and the local partners are committed to clear principles. We have a dual responsibility: on the one hand towards individual donors and institutions providing grants, and on the other hand towards the extremely poor people in Bangladesh we are working with. All financial resources entrusted to Anandalok Trust are utilised in a cost-effective way.

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