Educational Prospects for Children from Marginalized Groups – Quality Education, Safe Schools, Active Civil Society (SATIRTHO)

Project Period:01.03.2024 – 29.02.2028

Private German executing agency: BMZ & NETZ Partnership for Development and Justice e.V.

Implementation areas: Kushtia districts

Implementing Partners: Anandalok Trust

Institutional objectives:

Overall objective: Teachers, civil society and public authorities are strengthened to ensure the Right to Education for children from marginalised groups in three remote districts of Bangladesh.

Background of the project:

According to recent UN figures, over 2 million school-age children in Bangladesh still do not have access to primary schools. The majority of these children come from marginalised communities and live in remote rural areas. The selected rural areas in the programme are particularly affected. The main reasons for this include: 1) lack of resources and poor quality of teaching in a large proportion of formal primary schools; 2) structural discrimination against marginalised communities; 3) increasing repression of civil society, which has a negative impact on cooperation between civil society and public authorities, among other things; and 4) pressure on the secular education system by Islamist groups. All this is significantly exacerbated by the long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change.

The partner NGOs are active in the following districts: AT in Kushtia, MJSKS in Kurigram and JCF in Bagerhat. The programme is implemented on the ground in 24 unions (8 per district) located in 6 sub-districts (2 per district).